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On July 18, 1997, after years of unhappiness, unexpectedly I fell in love with someone. After a while the relationship ended. I wrote many poems, six dialogues, and took many photographs about what was happening and how I felt until September 1, 2000, when I finally came to terms with myself.

It is wonderful how outside objects encouraged and strengthened me during this period! Sometimes an object I photographed inspired a poem. Sometimes a poem inspired photographs. Sometimes a poem reminded me of photographs I had taken many years ago. I hope these words and images will strengthen, encourage, and even delight others as they have me.

Due to the overwhelmingly positive response to the manuscript, I am now looking for an agent or publisher who can bring the book to the general public. I welcome all suggestions and referrals.

Love on a Bed of Lettuce
A Heavy Price to Pay
Even More Beautiful
Green Penguin
A Question for Clara

October 15, 1996

Love On a Bed of Lettuce

Two olives
Were making love
On a bed of lettuce--
At least,
That's how I saw it.

So I photographed them
There in the bowl
With the sun lighting their pea green,
    leafy bower
And warming it.

The opening in one olive was up,
In full view,
A sticky liquid shining in it.
The other olive nestled against it,
Quietly, contentedly.

So love was here,

Love, you know,
Begins simply.
Love begins with touch that's meant,
As between a mother and child,
A child and mother.
A man and a woman,
A woman and a man.

I saw love today
In this dish of lettuce
With two olives, touching gently.
Two olives,
Glistening, resting in the sun.
And I recorded this
On film.

February 27, 1998

A Heavy Price to Pay

My hope that he
Loved me
Twisted the facts
Before me.

I loved him
Because he is good,
Has beauty of mind,
Is kind,
Is young.

I am good,
Have beauty of mind,
Am kind,
Am young
In a way
(But not all ways.)

So I misinterpreted
His intermittent joy
At being with me.

What is the connection between

I hoped that he loved me;
I thought that he loved me;
I saw things that told me:
"Yes, he does love me!"

But I also saw
Things to the contrary:
I saw him being two ways.
So I thought of him in two ways,
And I saw him in two ways:
I didn't focus.

My hope that he loved me was so strong
That, literally,
I weakened my sight,
My eyes.

And now
I am a little cross-eyed,
Less beautiful,
Less good,
Less young:

A heavy price to pay.

April 15, 1998

Even More Beautiful

I am a candle.

Are you a candle?
Are you a bonfire?
Are you a torch?
Are you a man carrying a torch?
For whom are you carrying the torch?

I cannot see you clearly now:
I am dazzled by your beautiful light.

If you are a candle,
In time
We could get close
And melt together,
Become one candle
With one glorious,

Whatever you are--
Candle, bonfire, torch, or
Man carrying a torch--
We have something in common:
We each light up the world
In our special way.

In time
I hope to be strong enough
To see you clearly,
For I sense your light,
Better seen,
Is even more

May 18, 1998

Green Penguin

Leaf, standing up tall, like a spear,
Facing the sun,
I would be like you.
I like your spirit.
You encourage me somehow.

Look! The sun is changing on you,
And you look a little like a bird,
A green penguin, somehow,
Instead of white and cold.

Oh leaf, bird --
Whatever you are--
God sent you now
To encourage me,

When love,
Once bright,
Is lost.


July 2, 1998

A Question for Clara

Dora: Do you know, Clara, in the past I've noticed quite a few men having a physical response to me. Clara: Of course, darling. That's natural. There's nothing wrong with it. In fact, it's quite good. Mazeltov! Dora: But with this particular man, Harry, that I've been interested in for almost a year--he's very shy, or something. It takes him a long time to ask me for a date, and then he has a very big physical reaction. Clara: You don't say! Dora: Yes. He gets nauseous and has a headache for a day.
What do you make of it? It's physical alright, but it's not the kind I'm used to. Is it good or bad? Clara: It beats me, kid. What did you say his name is?

© 2009 Barbara Singer. All rights reserved.